Monday, April 24, 2006

What a Busy Week!

Grayson had quite a week! On Monday, April 17th, he turned five months old. That same day, he got to try veggies for the first time. We started with green beans and he loved them. He loves to help me with the spoon and as you can see from the picture, he even tried feeding himself a few times.

The next day he attended his first playgroup with other adopted children thanks to Adoptive Families and Friends. Even though he couldn't play himself, he loved watching the other kids run around. I also enjoyed talking to other adoptive moms. On Thursday, Grayson got to take his first stroll around the Antietam Battlefield with me, his Aunt Linda, and his three cousins, Tevyn, Heidi and Brandi (and also Brandi's dog, Isabelle). He loved looking around and just seeing the countryside. He was also intrigued with Tevyn who is 18 months old. Grayson is really starting to love interacting with other children.

This weekend was also pretty busy for Grayson and for me. Friday night I attended my first "Mom's Night Out" with the other mothers from the same group that hosted the playgroup earlier in the week. It was my first night out all by myself and I had a blast. Grayson spent the evening with Aunt Linda and Brandi and he was on his best behavior, of course.

Yesterday after church, we spent most of the day in Baltimore. We drove a friend to the train station and then did a little shopping before we met our Social Worker at a coffee shop in our old neighborhood to do our third post-placement visit. Grayson was his usual socializing self - showing off his talking, as well as his standing and jumping skills. We now have only one more visit before we can finalize the adoption!!


Anonymous said...

hahaha, he is just too adorable!! :c) Love that picture!

Sylvie said...

They just grow to fast! He is a cutie pie.