Grayson has really seemed to grow up a lot just in the past couple weeks. Maybe I just never really noticed it before, but recently I am amazed at how well he communicates. New words are constantly becoming a part of his vocabulary. There are really too many to name, but he's been saying "bath tub" for a while now and he's really starting to try to say "please." Right now the "p" sound is about all we're getting, but he's saying it right after we tell him to say please, so I think he's trying. He also says "ball" and we recently took him to his cousin Brooks' basketball game. He loved watching the kids running up and down the court, we even think he was trying to give them some advice, but we could tell he wanted to be down there with them. And yesterday he added the word "bubble." At the end of gym class they always blow bubbles onto the kids and yesterday he kept saying "bub-bull" over and over again as the bubbles were blown into his face. We're also noticing that he's beginning to make up his own words and we have to try to figure out what they mean. For example, I learned that "ta-ta" means cracker. He now has applied the word to all types of food, but I'm also trying to get him to learn some basic food names.
In addition to all that talking, he's comprehending what we're saying to him very, very well. He just may not always listen. If I ask him to put something away, he usually does it. I especially noticed this at gym class when they put the bells and balls away. He loves to go get others in addition to his own and give them to the teacher. He also understands when we're leaving the house (as he constantly repeats "bye bye"), when I'm talking about food, the instructions I give him when we're playing with his toys, etc., etc. I'm truly enjoying this stage!!
1 comment:
After seeing Grayson over Thanksgiving, I can certainly verify that Grayson's communication skills are right on track!
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