Sunday, April 01, 2007

Peace and Quiet

This is usually not the way I would describe my house, but right now, that's exactly what it is and why I am able to finally post something. Grayson is actually taking a nap. I've been trying to put him down for a nap every afternoon, even though he fights me tooth and nail, and some days I'm successful, most days I'm not. Today we actually are supposed to go to an egg hunt (the party started 30 minutes ago) with our adoptive families group, but I could tell after church he was going to need a decent nap otherwise he would turn into a terror. And I was right. He's been asleep for almost an hour and a half. Such peace!

While I'm here, I might as well share some pictures. I'm having a hard time getting shots of him these days because as soon as I pull out the camera, he either starts running in the other direction or stopping what he was doing that was so camera-worthy in the first place. I keep trying, however, and I get a few good pictures every now and then. If we were using our old camera, I would have none, so I'm still very happy with our camera purchase!!

Grayson loves to play in our kitchen cabinets, here he is with a strainer on his head. He tries to wear everything as a hat nowadays, but heaven forbid I actually try to put a real hat on him!!!

I took a bunch of pictures one day when he was rolling around on the floor (a common occurrence). I love this one because I think it shows off his eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marissa and Grayson could have a blast! Her favorite toys are in the kitchen. She recently figured out how to open the cabinet doors that have child locks on them and somehow pull dishes out!!