Thursday, October 19, 2006

Eleven Month Update

Our baby turned eleven months old on Tuesday. Honestly, he hasn't been a baby for quite some time really. He stopped eating baby food over a month ago and now eats pretty much everything we eat. And he prefers it. For example, his favorite vegetable seems to be zucchini flavored with basil and garlic and he loves red and green peppers.

He's also kicked the bottle habit. I think his last bottle was about two weeks ago. He was already down to only one bottle in the afternoon by that time and I decided to drop it a little earlier than I had planned. He's not having any trouble at all and I love not having to wash those things and then put them back together!! We've also slowly been introducing milk with his formula. He's up to three quarters milk and only a quarter of formula in his mix. I can't wait to purchase my last can of the stuff.

He's added another word to his It comes out as a very strong "KA" and then he occasionally throws the "t" at the end. He definitely knows what he's saying because he says it every time Rudy, our cat, walks in the room. Unfortunately he seems to be mistaking our dachshunds for cats now, but who can blame him? They weigh less than our cat does.

As for his personality at this age, he's as happy and as social as he's ever been. He loves people and really enjoys socializing. Although he tries to play the shy boy at first it doesn't last very long. He's also incredibly curious. So curious that after Dominic installed the baby lock on the cabinet under the kitchen sink, Grayson figured out how to open it within ten seconds. All this drives me crazy because he's into everything, but I encourage it. It helps him learn more about the world around him when he's exploring and helps me learn a little bit of patience. He's also constantly on the go. He very rarely will sit still. This also tests my patience, but I'm surviving.

I'm now busy planning his birthday and steadily counting down the days until I can turn his carseat around. The poor kid has been 20 pounds since he was six months old, but he's still facing the back of the car. Soon, very soon, little guy!!

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