Thursday, July 12, 2007

All About Madison

Normally, this blog is completely dedicated to Grayson, but today I need to write about my first baby, Madison. Sadly, Madison died in my arms Tuesday night. She was a miniature dachshund who had been with me for almost 14 years. This post isn't about her death, however, it's about her life and how much she was a part of mine.

People who don't have animals probably think those of us who get so upset about the loss of a pet are crazy, but Madison was a part of my life for well over a decade and mourning that loss is perfectly normal. As one of my friends pointed out, I may very well have another pet who lives just as long or longer than Madison, but I will never have another one that was with me through so many changes in my life.

I got Madison when I was a sophomore in college. I had recently moved into a townhouse in Columbia with a few roommates and realizing I was on my own, I decided to get the dachshund I had always wanted. I fell in love with Madison the moment I saw her, she was so tiny and sweet. We had driven north of Baltimore to meet her and on the drive home, she slept in my lap.

Over the years Madison has lived in six different homes with me. She has watched me graduate from college, start a career, get married, finish graduate school, and start a family. She was with me through it all and she was the one consistent thing during those 14 years.

I will miss her dearly, but I'm so glad she was a part of my life. Madison, thank you for being my first baby!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a pet is staggeringly difficult (I lost my cat in March) and I know how much Madison meant to you. I remember when you brought her home! Madison was amazingly cute and sweet. She was lucky to have you as her mama!

Erica said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Laura! I met Madison just a week or so before she died, and she was sooooo sweet, and adorable. I'm very sorry for your loss, and I completely would feel the same if I were in your shoes. Take care.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful post about your dog Madison. I never got to meet her, but I am glad you shared some of her life with us.
She is beautiful, and I do hope the many wonderful memories of her will ease some of your grief.

Anonymous said...

You know...i was doing well without crying until I saw this blog darn it! Thanks Aunt Laura :P She definitely will be a missed pup! Its not to often you come across a dog like Maddie girl!!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you since your loss of Madison. I hope you are doing well - I know it is hard to lose such a beloved family member.

Anne C. said...

My deepest condolences on your loss, Laura. I know how much my boys mean to me, and they've only been with me for three years!